1) What is the PDCA cycle and where testing fits in?

There are four steps in a normal software development process. In short, these steps are referred to as PDCA.

Software Testing Interview Questions

PDCA stands for Plan, Do, Check, Act.

  • Plan: It defines the goal and the plan for achieving that goal.
  • Do/ Execute: It depends on the plan strategy decided during the planning stage. It is done according to this phase.
  • Check: This is the testing part of the software development phase. It is used to ensure that we are moving according to plan and getting the desired result.
  • Act: This step is used to solve if there any issue has occurred during the check cycle. It takes appropriate action accordingly and revises the plan again. know more at Testing tool online training

The developers do the "planning and building" of the project while testers do the "check" part of the project.

2) What is the difference between the white box, black box, and gray box testing?

Black box Testing: The strategy of black box testing is based on requirements and specification. It requires no need of knowledge of internal path, structure or implementation of the software being tested.

White box Testing: White box testing is based on internal paths, code structure, and implementation of the software being tested. It requires a full and detail programming skill.

3)What are the advantages of designing tests early in the life cycle?

Designing tests early in the life cycle prevent defects from being in the main code.

4) What are the types of defects?

There are three types of defects: Wrong, missing, and extra.

Wrong: These defects are occurred due to requirements have been implemented incorrectly.

Missing: It is used to specify the missing things, i.e., a specification was not implemented, or the requirement of the customer was not appropriately noted.

5) What is exploratory testing?

Simultaneous test design and execution against an application is called exploratory testing. In this testing, the tester uses his domain knowledge and testing experience to predict where and under what conditions the system might behave unexpectedly.

6) When should exploratory testing be performed?

Exploratory testing is performed as a final check before the software is released. It is a complementary activity to automated regression testing. Testing tool training

7) What are the advantages of designing tests early in the life cycle?

It helps you to prevent defects in the code.

8) Tell me about the risk-based testing.

The risk-based testing is a testing strategy that is based on prioritizing tests by risks. It is based on a detailed risk analysis approach which categorizes the risks by their priority. Highest priority risks are resolved first.

9) What is acceptance testing?

Acceptance testing is done to enable a user/customer to determine whether to accept a software product. It also validates whether the software follows a set of agreed acceptance criteria. In this level, the system is tested for the user acceptability. know more at Testing tool online training from India

Software Testing Interview Questions

Types of acceptance testing are:

  1. User acceptance testing: It is also known as end-user testing. This type of testing is performed after the product is tested by the testers. The user acceptance testing is testing performed concerning the user needs, requirements, and business processes to determine whether the system satisfies the acceptance criteria or not.
  2. Operational acceptance testing: An operational acceptance testing is performed before the product is released in the market. But, it is performed after the user acceptance testing.
  3. Contract and regulation acceptance testing: In the case of contract acceptance testing, the system is tested against certain criteria and the criteria are made in a contract. In the case of regulation acceptance testing, the software application is checked whether it meets the government regulations or not.
  4. Alpha and beta testing: Alpha testing is performed in the development environment before it is released to the customer. Input is taken from the alpha testers, and then the developer fixes the bug to improve the quality of a product. Unlike alpha testing, beta testing is performed in the customer environment. Customer performs the testing and provides the feedback, which is then implemented to improve the quality of a product.
  5. 10) What is accessibility testing?

    Accessibility testing is used to verify whether a software product is accessible to the people having disabilities (deaf, blind, mentally disabled etc.).

  6. 11) What is Adhoc testing?

    Ad-hoc testing is a testing phase where the tester tries to 'break' the system by randomly trying the system's functionality.

  7. 12) What is Agile testing?

    Agile testing is a testing practice that uses agile methodologies i.e. follow test-first design paradigm.

  8. 13) What is API (Application Programming Interface)?

    Application Programming Interface is a formalized set of software calls and routines that can be referenced by an application program to access supporting system or network services.

  9. 14) What do you mean by automated testing?

    Testing by using software tools which execute test without manual intervention is known as automated testing. Automated testing can be used in GUI, performance, API, etc.

  10. 15) What is Bottom-up testing?

    The Bottom-up testing is a testing approach which follows integration testing where the lowest level components are tested first, after that the higher level components are tested. The process is repeated until the testing of the top-level component.

  11. 16) What is Baseline Testing?

    In Baseline testing, a set of tests is run to capture performance information. Baseline testing improves the performance and capabilities of the application by using the information collected and make the changes in the application. Baseline compares the present performance of the application with its previous performance. know more at Testing tool online course

  12. 17) What is Benchmark Testing?

    Benchmarking testing is the process of comparing application performance with respect to the industry standard given by some other organization.

    It is a standard testing which specifies where our application stands with respect to others.

  13. 18) Which types are testing are important for web testing?

    There are two types of testing which are very important for web testing:

    • Performance testing: Performance testing is a testing technique in which quality attributes of a system are measured such as responsiveness, speed under different load conditions and scalability. The performance testing describes which attributes need to be improved before the product is released in the market.
    • Security testing: Security testing is a testing technique which determines that the data and resources be saved from the intruders.
    • 19) What is the difference between web application and desktop application in the scenario of testing?

      The difference between a web application and desktop application is that a web application is open to the world with potentially many users accessing the application simultaneously at various times, so load testing and stress testing are important. Web applications are also prone to all forms of attacks, mostly DDOS, so security testing is also very important in the case of web applications.

    • 20) What is the difference between preventative and reactive approaches to testing?

      Preventative tests are designed earlier, and reactive tests are designed after the software has been produced.

    • 21) What is the purpose of exit criteria?

      The exit criteria are used to define the completion of the test level.

    • 22) Why is the decision table testing used?

      A decision table consists of inputs in a column with the outputs in the same column but below the inputs.

      The decision table testing is used for testing systems for which the specification takes the form of rules or cause-effect combination. The reminders you get in the table explore combinations of inputs to define the output produced.


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